1,000 Banner Impressions
5,000 Banner Impressions
10,000 Banner Impressions
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  1. Members agree prominently display fellow members' banners by  including the unmodified code (provided by Banner-Index at sign up) on their web site, in as many or few pages as they wish. All Banner-Index banners must be placed above the fold on a page or pages frequently seen by your website's visitors. Above the fold means that someone opening up your web page will see the banner without needing to scroll.  Normally it is placed at the top of the page, but you may browse this website to see examples of how the banner can be placed at the bottom of the page, yet remain above the fold.
  2. You agree not to insert this code on pages unrelated to the site you are advertising with your banner
  3. As a member, you agree not to artificially inflate traffic counts by placing more than one banner on your page at a time or by using a device, program, or any other means.  A member may not display more than one Banner-Index exchange banner on any page. A member may not  include the banner on any pages that auto reload, redirected, or on a page which is not linked from other parts of your site. If you willfully attempt to defraud Banner-Index by violating this stipulation you agree to reimburse Banner-Index for the cost of administration of your site's banners, not limited to but including: cost of server throughput for each banner fraudulently downloaded to your site by the devices mentioned above for both the banners you obtained illegally as well as the banners wasted by display on your site at a rate of $15.00 per thousand banners, administration fees pertaining to tracking your site and discovering your fraud, and all legal and collection fees. You also agree to indemnify Banner-Index for all losses incurred due to your fraud.
  4. Members acknowledge that Banner-Index is a free service. At any given time, the banner on a member's web site may contain an advertisement from a sponsor, from another member, or from Banner-Index itself.
  5. Banner-Index will not accept any advertisements from entities whose product or advertisement they determine to be offensive or inappropriate in any way. For example, we do not allow porn or sexually orientated sites.  We also do not allow links to gambling websites, get-rich-quick schemes or multi-level marketing programs, spammers, any site advocating illegal activities, terrorists, pirate sites, warez sites.  Banner-Index reserves the right to deny advertisements from any site for any reason at any time.
  6. A member may cancel his or her participation in the banner exchange by removing the Banner-Index banner exchange code from their web site, and by notifying us by e-mail to support@banner-exchange.com . Upon resigning his or her membership, the member agrees to remove all references and links to Banner-Index from the member's web site.
  7. Any revenue collected through the sale of advertising on your site through the Banner-Index service remains sole property of Banner-Index.  Member sites receive reimbursement for ads placed on their website in the form of reciprocal free advertising only.  Individually negotiated contracts written and signed by both parties may supercede this section.
  8. Banner-Index banners must not be placed on a banner farm page.  The banners must not be obscured or hidden in any manner.  Participants found to be displaying Banner-Index ads on pages cluttered with multiple advertising will be warned once and then banned from the Banner-Index service.  
  9. Specific information you provide to Banner-Index will not be shared.  Banner-Index does not cooperate with spammers.  Banner-Index may at times provide non-specific statistical data, such as the click through rate (CTR) of our banner service.
  10. Banner-Index reserves the right to reject any banner submitted which it finds does not meet the standards of the Banner-Index community.
  11. All Banner-Index customers use the Banner-Index system at their own risk. Banner-Index, its administrators, partners, members, and sponsors cannot be held liable for any damage or loss of information that may occur from the use of the services of Banner-Index. The administrators of Banner-Index do not make any guarantees regarding the dependability, accuracy, or timeliness of the services rendered.  Banner-Index disclaims any and all warranties, whether express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.  In no event shall Banner-Index be liable for any indirect, special, consequential, or incidental damages, including without limitation, lost profits or loss or damage to data arising out of the use, partial use or inability to use the service, even in the event that Banner-Index had been advised of the possibility of such damages.
  12. Banner-Index reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions. Members agree to remain in compliance with these Terms and Conditions as they may be modified and amended from time to time.
  13. The Banner-Index name, logo, software, insertion code, and service remain the property of Banner-Index. Members use of these properties must fall only within the context of this agreement.

Agree      Disagree      


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